
What Should I Bring When Picking a Package from Amazon Hub Counter?

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Picking a Package from Amazon Hub Counter? Top businesses of the world prioritize ease and convenience for their customers which is ultimately their own success. In the present world of acute competition, success can be achieved only by continuously bringing out innovative ideas and creativity that amaze the customers.

Amazon does not fail to inspire its customers by launching services that stop them from switching to other brands.

An Amazon Hub Counter is one of an incredible example of innovation by Amazon. It helps customers to pick up their parcels from the nearest secure spot, located around or near a shopping store, pharmacy, transportation point or apartment.

Instead of worrying about a missing package from the porch or doorstep, customers can go to the Hub Counter and receive it whenever it is suitable for them with peace of mind. 

For picking up the package from the counter, customers should be mentally prepared for the procedure and should have all the essentials with them. Let’s take a look at all those things and one must be assured of having them, before reaching the counter to avoid problems and delays.

There could be a situation when the customer himself is unable to go to the Hub Counter then somebody else having all these can easily pick up the parcel.

1. Tracking ID:  The customer is given a shipment tracking identification number while placing an order. This ID is a very important element, needed at the time of picking up the package.

2. Pickup Barcode: A barcode is sent by Amazon through email notification which is a unique number that provides all the information about the package. It is allotted to every item and if there are multiple things, each package has a different barcode. 

3. Necessary Information about Location: Notifying email also carries details of the counter’s address and timings of the collaborating store, as pickup hours may vary according to location.

4. Identity Card with Photo: For Amazon Hub Counters, tracking ID and barcode is enough to pick up the package even if someone else is receiving it. Whereas there might be other pick-up locations that require an identity card having a photo of the person on it. 

5. Mobile Device: To scan the pickup bar code, a mobile device with internet access on it must be kept along with it. The mobile phone should be charged well to avoid low battery issues. 

6. Carrying Bag: Instead of taking the parcel in hand, one should take a bag that helps to carry the package and other stuff bought from the partnering store. 

7. Money: Cash or bank cards must be kept along with it, as sometimes there are additional charges or taxes on certain products.

In the conclusion, picking up the Amazon package becomes a seamless process, if all the above-mentioned things are already there with the person. It minimizes procedural delays or other issues like waiting for long times and getting drained.

Moreover, with all these essentials, the person even could be anybody other than the customer himself and it becomes a stress-free experience. 

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