Once, phones had two jobs: making calls and saving voicemails. In today’s world, not many people use voicemails like they do text messages or emails.
However, your smartphone still comes with its own special voicemail inbox that you can reach whenever you want. Various kinds of phones have their unique voicemail setups, yet almost every Android phone allows you to dial into it using the same method.
Let me guide you on how to call your voicemail inbox on your Android phone.
Using an Android phone to call your voicemail
To effortlessly listen to your Android voicemail, just go to the part of your phone where you dial numbers.
You know, the keypad you use for calling? Once you’re there, press and keep your finger on the number “1.” If you pay attention, you might notice a tiny icon that resembles a tape recording right under it.
As soon as you press that number “1,” you’ll find yourself right inside your voicemail inbox. If, by any chance, your phone isn’t close to you, or the battery has run out, don’t worry! You can still get to your mailbox using a different phone.

1. Dial your own phone number from the other phone.
2. Be patient and wait for the message that says, “Please leave a message.” Once you hear it, press the pound key (#) on the dial pad.
3. Now, type in your voicemail pin when prompted.
Conclusion of call your voicemail
To check your voicemail on an Android phone, just open the phone’s dial pad and press and hold your finger on the “1” key. Another way is to call your voicemail from a different phone by dialing your own number and pressing the pound key. It’s like using your phone’s secret codes to listen to your messages, and it’s easy to do!
Certain apps for visual voicemail let you read written versions of your voicemail messages without having to call your inbox.